SOAP API for Bulk SMS sending
SOAP is a simple XML based protocol to let applications exchange information over HTTP.
SOAP provides a way to communicate between applications running on different operating systems, with different technologies and programming languages.
- Supports text, Unicode and flash messaging.
- Support of all languages with special characters (Arabic, Chinese, Greek etc)
- Support for concatenated messages (long SMS)
- Support for bulk sendings
- Dynamic sender identity
- Delivery reports
- Easy to use
How to connect via SOAP
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Soap API includes two functions:
"send" for sms sending to one or multiple recipients
"query" for recieving delivery reports of sent messages to one or more recipients.
The "send" function accepts the following parameters:
username (string), username
password (string), password
from (string), sender’s identity
to (object), recipient(s)
coding (string), coding that message will be sent. GSM, UTF-8.
flash (boolean), flash sms (true for flash SMS, false for normal SMS)
The parameter "to" is an object with one property. The property has the identifier: recipients and it is one table of strings.
The "send" function returns one ID for the sent message.
It returns the following exceptions:
Authentication error.
No recipients.
Invalid sender identity.
Insufficient credits.
The "query" function accepts the following parameters:
username: (string), username
password: (string), password
message_id: (string), message’s ID
mobile: (string), recipient’s mobile
The "query" function returns the message’s delivery status for the specified recipient.
The returned values are:
This request can return the following exceptions:
Authentication error.
No message ID defined.
No mobile defined.
No such message or recipient.
// create soap client
$client = new SoapClient('');
// create recipients container
$to = new stdClass();
// add recipients
$to->recipients = array('306991111111', '306941234567');
// send message
$ID = $client->send('username', 'password', 'sender', $to, 'Είμαι το soap API!', 'UTF-8', true);
// check delivery status for each recipient
foreach( $to->recipients as $index => $recipient )
echo $client->query('username', 'password', $ID, $recipient);